When you place the call for help or request clarity guidance from the Angels, Spirit Guides and/or Goddess/God, be willing to receive the answer. Many people go into the conversation with the answer already made-up in their heads and entangled in their thoughts. When the answer is the opposite or a different topic than the request altogether, which often it is, they feel as if they are not being heard. The Divine hears all your requests and conversations. They answer them according to the creation alignment. If you go into the situation with the creation, I am not going to get an answer or I will hear nothing. This blocks the channel and infusion you have with the Divine. If you go into your time with the Divine without any expectations and you allow them time to answer, they will respond based on your form of communication.
Connect with the Angels, Spirit Guides and Goddess/God with an open heart and open channel of communication. Free Will is very powerful on all levels, including your communication with the Divine alignment.
When you do ask for help, it is best to surrender and allow the answer to show up however it needs to appear, in the right time, space and frequency. A few years ago, I was having a difficult time going through life and my spiritual work was shifting. I felt every day I was having an out of body experience. There was a multi-dimensional high frequency around me all the time as if it were growing or becoming one with me. It made me feel very tall and stretched in height. It was pure loving light, but it mowed me over. I could not focus or sleep and it made me moody and an emotional train wreck. I wrote it off as some type of initiation that I was meant to endure. Archangel Michael kept confirming this was something I needed to go through right now. When he gave me this message, I noticed there was a lot of extra, different type of Archangelic energy with him. I simply trusted that I would find balance again after some time. But it only became stronger and stronger. My visions about this situation were from the past, present and future. The feeling of everything coming together in this lifetime. My soul traveling not only took me to the grid, but to Ancient Egypt and then onto my time as a monk living in a cave in the Himalayan Mountains. This made whatever I experienced more and more intense. There were times I would awaken in the middle of the night (when I could sleep) or in the morning with an energy current, humming sound and quiver moving through my body. As much as I trusted, one morning I yelled out, “I need help, please help me understand what is happening to me!” I heard and felt nothing other than dead silence. However, a state of peace filled my body for a short moment. I trusted and surrendered; help would arrive with guidance of clarity.
Several days later, I was working out at my gym. I was resting in between sets, energetically, I was pulled over to the big windows at the side of the building. This gym was on the 4th floor of an office building, so the entire space was surrounded by big windows. I walked over to the windows and, gazed at the amazing view outside; I had a feeling of spirit connection. I started to feel peace as I softened my eyes. I started to see an image of a woman manifesting between the glass panes. First, I could only see energy forming, then a transparent view of a tribal native woman.
She gently smiled, and said, “Do you know who I am?”
Without missing a beat, I said, “Sara.” She nodded in agreement.
I was shocked and amazed that I naturally knew her name, this was the first time I remembered seeing the presence of Sara.
I asked her, “Who are you?”
“I am your Guardian of Light. You will come to know me as your Master Shamanic Guide and Warrior Teacher.” Then she simply stared at me, which seemed like thirty minutes.
I said, “Are you here because you have a message for me?” I thought to myself, ‘When a Master Guide shows up, that’s pretty serious.”
She said lovingly, “You did ask for help, did you not?”
I nodded yes and smiled.
Over the next several weeks, Sara stayed with me supporting, teaching and helping me to acclimate an awakening that was occurring in side of my body and earthly experience. This was the awakening and memories of my journey of being a Shaman, Oracle and working with Ancient Archangels as a guiding source of bringing it into this lifetime.
Wow Eddie, Your testimony, or life story is Amazing and Exciting too Me. I asked for help from the DEVINE BEINGS of LIGHT many years ago and my life has been topxsy turvey ever since as I made choices to just survive in theoment I was in and pray I hope for a better tomorrow, yet more focused on the hear & now. I know that ALL of my life experiences will come together like prices of a bizzare jigsaw puzzle when the time s right. I KNOW my life is being Divinely orchestrated, & appears too many to resemble a train wreck, and at times a I feel wrecked…..yet the gift of DEVINE KNOWING, ALWAYS brings my thoughts back too a place of remerrendering that there IS indeed, “A Method too the Madness”. It is written, “ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR THE GOOD FOR THEM WHO ARE CALLED”. I WAS called as MANY Looks ago and I said, “YES”. Since then I have often felt like Job who was stripped of everything he loved and his body was afflicted. People around him asked his why he did NOT just curse God & die…….I have & have had people around me who see the perceived train wreck of my life and they feel it is best for me and everyone in my life for me to disappear from the planet. Yet in my darkest times, I know that the Spirit of God, is still stirring my pot, ( life ), adding strange ingredients, and often turning up the heat so it all comes together as one. With this gift oif ” KNOWING” I HAVE, I “NEVER” consider losing my faith in ALL the Divine forces working MY behalf behind the sceneseven though I’m often stripped of what I love despite the fact that I always choose too take the high road, ( in my mind 95% of the time), but I wonder what my Divine Spirit family sees as the correct percentage that I choose LOVE over fear. This is the real issue Spirit is working on with ME in my life since I already have a strong faith in the unscene or unknown…but my CHOICES & THOUGHTS are NOT always made. out of LOVE 100% of the time but often are made to avoid trouble even though I primarily ALWAYS take the high road…..
YES, in that respect, I AM my own worst enemy…..yet I AM grateful that I AM chastised from on High too stop making choices out of a fearful, “what if” state of mind in an attempt too avoid adding drama too my life. I crave a simple life, yet I know that Spirit creates drama too give me mite too think about and more choices too make so I can grow stronger, wiser, and have more compassion, and empathy for MY fellow man that walks this Earth WITH me. Although I sometimes feel alone, I KNOW I am apart if all that is, and I feel a STRONG sense of ONENESS with EVERY living soul and ALL of life too include the animal and plant kingdoms, and yes, even the insects that walk the Earth, ( even though Spiders still give me the creeps…..I’m aware that they are associated with “the Grandmother”, I don’t care…..” I do NOT want them in MY living spaces….if they are outside in Nature, for the most part, I leave them alone……
This is a good example of why, I have some drama in my life. I AM stubborn too a fault on some issues, so Spirit uses others and circumstances too get me out of saying & thinking, ” NO, NOT EVER ” and into a mind set of ALLOWING EVERYTHING in my world without ANY preconceived notions that I will may possibly experience harm if I allow Grandmother Spider, as creepy as she looks to abide WITH me in peace & harmony. On a side note. Two days ago. I decided too install my new motion sensitive security lights myself in my new home so I didn’t have too leave the prch ights on all night too deter any criminal activity or anyone invading my prvacy with no real intentions of harming me or stealing my stuff, just spying on me for whatever reason, good or bad. I just want too put a lot of light on them when they come into my space. 🙂
As I was preparing too install my first light, I was almost attacked by a dragonfly and I rarely see them. I knew she had a divine message since she was so ” in my face littetly” in her attempt too get my attention. I was honored by the bold greeting and she made her presence known several times as I installed my 4 outside lights. Yesterday. She was sitting on my car mirror as I hopped in my old red Dodge Ram 4×4 truck with a Cummings diesel engine. ( I love my old truck,) too head off to get Josh lunch & do some shopping. She was just waching me and I really wanted too know what she wanted too tell me. Later on after I gave Josh too his Dad for the weekend and was in the Old Time Pottery store shopping for New Decor for my home I found a wind chime that had a Dragonfly molded in the piece of red glass and the word ‘LOVE” as well. At that Moment, I understood what new Dragonfly friend was telling me…..She was reminding me too STAY in the loving heart space in my thoughts & actions and too NOT act out of fear or think fearful thoughts. I was HONORED, that no matter how ugly, vile, hategul. Crazy, mean spirited, Selfish, or self serving, I appeared too the outside world, God and all of the Divine still believes in me and knows my thoughts are PURE, ( 95% of the time…..lol ) and my Heart IS loving and seeks too are the Beauty and Goodness in everything around Me and in ALL of the people I my life and those I meet. Dragonfly isreminding me too choose LOVE ALL THE TIME as I encounter negativity and resistance that often frustrates me cause I mean NO ONE any harm and I always maintain a deep abiding love for EVERY Soul, especially the ones who don’t like Me…..and there are quite a few. I’m always aware that if they knew how loving I feel towards the, they would let go of their fear of me and release their resistance and desire too keep me away. I don’t worry about it, but just let it be. My story is so very different from Yours Eddie cause You vibrate at a much higher level and You communicate freely with the divine at that level and that is what I have a powerful desire too do so the Devine is breaking me into small pieces so that whatever is in my life that does not support my highest and best interest is slowly being discarded and ALL my toughts, actios, intentions are being slignrdsnd ifused with LOVE whichhas the powrt too dissolve ALL my fears that hold me down, wreak havoc, keep me small, and feeling seperated and try too convince me that I am too flawed too create a normal life….
It’ s a good thing that I do NOT want a NORMAL life……lol
I want an extroidinary life and I want too feel connected too EVERYTHING ALL the time with the Spirit of LOVE oooozzzzzzzing out of my pores sndvibrstingso high that my presence will lift up those around me EVERYWHERE I go and ALL will see the Devine living and LIVING WELL inside of me so that I make them feel safe, warm their cold. Hardened. Fearful Hearts. and show them that LOVE I’d what can & will heal them SNF restore perfect balance I’m their lives…..I just pray, I’m younger than 93 when I get there but I WILL be eternally Grateful for my Spiritual Development, as brutal as it can be…It’s all Good
Yes, I rang the Devine’s doorbell, and at 47 years Young, I’m still seeking too build a Powerful connection with the Divine. No matter how entangled I am with darkness, I have a Powerful desire too live, breath, think. And walk in the Light.
It is refreshing too read about Your struggles Eddie cause it gives me something too look forward too. I have been in a Spiritual desert since Zi stopped meditating about a year ago, but now that I’m in a safer, more peaceful environment, I am slowly reuniting with mymeditstion practice which DID reconnect me with the Spirit of God, ( LOVE ) and released me from the powerful desire too get approval from the Men in my life, thus freeing them from any resondpondibility too mse me happy and though meditation I was strengthened and freed from my own expectation that they would approve of me and see. Me as very worthy of their love.
Wow Eddie, Your testimony, or life story is Amazing and Exciting too Me. I asked for help from the DEVINE BEINGS of LIGHT many years ago and my life has been topxsy turvey ever since as I made choices to just survive in the moment I was in and pray I hope for a better tomorrow, yet more focused on the hear & now. I know that ALL of my life experiences will come together like peices of a bizzare jigsaw puzzle when the time s right. I KNOW my life is being Divinely orchestrated, & appears too many to resemble a train wreck, and at times a I feel wrecked…..yet the gift of DEVINE KNOWING, ALWAYS brings my thoughts back too a place of rememberingering that there IS indeed, “A Method too the Madness”. It is written, “ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR THE GOOD FOR THEM WHO ARE CALLED”. I WAS called as MANY Looks ago and I said, “YES”. Since then I have often felt like Job who was stripped of everything he loved and his body was afflicted. People around him asked his why he did NOT just curse God & die…….I have & have had people around me who see the perceived train wreck of my life and they feel it is best for me and everyone in my life for me to disappear from the planet. Yet in my darkest times, I know that the Spirit of God, is still stirring my pot, ( life ), adding strange ingredients, and often turning up the heat too cook out the umpurities and to fully unlock the flavor so it all comes together as one.With this gift oif ” KNOWING” I HAVE, I “NEVER” consider losing my faith in ALL the Divine forces working MY behalf behind the scenes even though I’m often stripped of what I love despite the fact that I always choose too take the high road, ( in my mind 95% of the time), but I wonder what my Divine Spirit family sees as the correct percentage that I choose LOVE over fear. This is the real issue Spirit is working on with ME in my life since I already have a strong faith in the unscene or unknown…but my CHOICES & THOUGHTS are NOT always made. out of LOVE 100% of the time but often are made to avoid trouble even though I primarily ALWAYS take the high road…..
YES, in that respect, I AM my own worst enemy…..yet I AM grateful that I AM chastised from on High too stop making choices out of a fearful, “what if” state of mind in an attempt too avoid adding drama too my life. I crave a simple life, yet I know that Spirit creates drama too give me more too think about and more choices too make so I can grow stronger, wiser, and have more compassion, and empathy for MY fellow man that walks this Earth WITH me. Although I sometimes feel alone, I KNOW I am apart if all that is, and I feel a STRONG sense of ONENESS with EVERY living soul and ALL of life too include the animal and plant kingdoms, and yes, even the insects that walk the Earth, ( even though Spiders still give me the creeps…..I’m aware that they are associated with “the Grandmother”, I don’t care…..” I do NOT want spiders in MY living spaces….if they are outside in Nature, for the most part, I leave them alone……
This is a good example of why, I have some drama in my life. I AM stubborn too a fault on some issues, so Spirit uses others and circumstances too get me out of saying & thinking, ” NO, NOT EVER ” and into a mind set of ALLOWING EVERYTHING in my world without ANY preconceived notions that I will may possibly experience harm if I allow Grandmother Spider, as creepy as she looks to abide WITH me in peace & harmony. On a side note. Two days ago. I decided too install my new motion sensitive security lights myself in my new home so I didn’t have too leave the porch lights on all night too deter any criminal activity or stop anyone from invading my prvacy with no real intentions of harming me or stealing my stuff, just spying on me for whatever reason, good or bad. I just want too put a lot of light on them when they come into my space. 🙂
As I was preparing too install my first light, I was almost attacked by a dragonfly and I rarely see them. I knew she had a divine message since she was so ” in my face litterly” in her attempt too get my attention. I was honored by the bold greeting and she made her presence known several times as I installed my 4 outside lights. Yesterday. She was sitting on my car mirror as I hopped in my old red Dodge Ram 4×4 truck with a Cummings diesel engine. ( I love my old truck,) too head off to get Josh lunch & do some shopping. She was just waching me and I really wanted too know what she wanted too tell me. Later on after I gave Josh too his Dad for the weekend and was in the Old Time Pottery store shopping for New Decor for my home I found a wind chime that had a Dragonfly molded in the piece of red glass and the word ‘LOVE” as well so I bought THAT Wind chime. I wanted too go home and work on my lights some more but I felt led to go shopping there cause Spirit had a messahe for me there. It is written, God works in mystetious ways”……YES, the message to remain in Love was delivered in a very strange way too me but it was wonderful that I got it and it didn’t pass by me without me connecting the dots. I had a strange powerful sense of Knowing as tbis message unfolded. At that Moment, I understood what new Dragonfly friend was telling me…..She was reminding me too STAY in the loving heart space in my thoughts & actions and too NOT act out of fear or think fearful thoughts. I was HONORED, that no matter how ugly, vile, hateful. Crazy, mean spirited, Selfish, or self serving, I appear too some who judge me wrongly based on false information they were told about me too discredit me for a variety of reasons, God and all of the Divine still believes in me and knows my thoughts are PURE, ( 95% of the time…..lol ) and my Heart IS loving and seeks too are the Beauty and Goodness in everything around Me and in ALL of the people I my life and those I meet. Dragonfly is reminding me too choose LOVE ALL THE TIME as I encounter negativity and resistance that often frustrates me cause I mean NO ONE any harm and I always maintain a deep abiding love for EVERY Soul, especially the ones who don’t like Me…..and there are quite a few. I’m always aware that if they knew how loving I feel towards the, they would let go of their fear of me and release their resistance and desire too keep me away. I don’t worry about it, but just let it be. My story is so very different from Yours Eddie cause You vibrate at a much higher level and You communicate freely with the divine at that level and that is what I have a powerful desire too do so the Devine is breaking me into small pieces so that whatever is in my life that does not support my highest and best interest is slowly being discarded and ALL my toughts, actios, intentions are being aligned and ifsed with LOVE which has the power too dissolve ALL my fears that hold me down, wreak havoc, keep me small, and feeling seperated and try too convince me that I am too flawed too create a normal life….
It’ s a good thing that I do NOT want a NORMAL life……lol
I want an extroidinary life and I want too feel connected too EVERYTHING ALL the time with the Spirit of LOVE oooozzzzzzzing out of my pores sndvibrstingso high that my presence will lift up those around me EVERYWHERE I go and ALL will see the Devine living and LIVING WELL inside of me so that I make them feel safe, warm their cold. Hardened. Fearful Hearts. and show them that LOVE IS what can & will heal them & restore perfect balance I’m their lives…..I just pray, I’m younger than 93 when I get there but I WILL be eternally Grateful for my Spiritual Development, as brutal as it can be…It’s all Good
Yes, I rang the Devine’s doorbell, and at 47 years Young, I’m still seeking too build a Powerful connection with the Divine. No matter how entangled I am with darkness, I have a Powerful desire too live, breath, think. And walk in the Light.
It is refreshing too read about Your struggles Eddie cause it gives me something too look forward too. I have been in a Spiritual desert since I stopped meditating about a year ago after my ex-laws came for a visit and created severe discord that was brewing in my marriage that I was unaware of and the realization that I was NOT in a safe place hit me like a tin of bricks and I withdrew from NY spiritual practices and went back in survival mode. I was devastated at the betrayal but I am grateful that I was shown the truth and now that I’m in a safer, more peaceful environment, I am slowly reuniting with my meditation practice which DID reconnect me with the Spirit of God, ( LOVE ) and released me from the powerful desire too get approval from my Husband which freed him from any responsibility too make me happy. Though meditation I was strengthened and freed from my own expectation that he would approve of me and see me as worthy of his love. This has changed me and reenforced my powerful desire too feed my spirit and look too God for true Agape love & acceptanc cause I feel the Divine Beings Ste the only ones who fully understand Me and have MY back or best interest in mind. I AM very lived by Many and I love the Human connections &interactions but at this point in my life, I live s fairly solitary life so I can lick my wounds, he’ll, soul search. And reconnect with Spirit without Judgement in my Quiet, Humble abode. There is always doethig too do and I am happy, but I desire too transform ALL my Enemies in time with good communication and pure love. Forgiveness is Vital for Spiritual growth and being Grateful for ALL that I have is helping me too transform from the catipilar who is fat & moves slowly, too a Gorgeous Butterfly that is light and Has the ability too fly around and bring or & beauty too All.
Eddie, I
Thank You for sharing this link. I rarely take this much time too respond but My Heart is open too You and I’m Grateful your Devine Angelic guidance that helped me weather the storm while I was surrounded by and I felt trapped in a situation that brought too me deep darkness and taught me many life lessons. You and others are a Lighthouse too me as I maneuver through some fairly trechouous waters….
I do not always open up and share cause I must survive my current situations which often requires my full attentions I for miss a lot of Your Angelic wisdom but often I am guided back too your post too get a health dose of Light which always helps me too find the strength & resolve too move forward. I’m Grateful for You and the many other Spiritual Mentors I have chosen too help light my path.
Peace & Angel Blessings, Nameste…..