The Empath, Empathy & Empathic – are they the same?

I have always loved being an Empath. However, the journey to living in the full experience, in the beginning, was not always easy or welcoming. When I was growing up there was no title for it, or at least I had never heard of it. I was labeled as different and sometimes talked about as if something was emotionally wrong with me because I was sensitive and felt emotional intelligence through my heart, like how most people would think in their thinking mind. As they say, I was wired differently than others around me. Well, living as an Empath was a bit more than that. Being an Empath is more than just being an emotionally sensitive person.

Growing up as an Empath was interesting, causing a lot of confusion and many people around me misunderstood what I was experiencing, saying, feeling and embodying, all at the same time. Then to throw more confusion into the wind, I was also spiritually connected and a Starchild. As a child when I was in school, and even before I attended school, they called me an overly-sensitive emotional child and even emotionally unbalanced at times.”He is different or he is different from the other kids”, I would overhear them saying. This would leave me feeling as if there was something wrong with me. Most of the time as a child, I felt like I landed on the wrong planet. But regardless of what “they” were saying, I knew that what I was experiencing, feeling, hearing and living through was real. Now as an adult, I laugh about how different “they” thought I was, “Oh they had no idea how different I was then and now”!

As an Empath, I did not just feel the depth of emotional frequencies and experiences, I became the frequency of those experiences. I was feeling the experiences, plus I held onto them by absorbing and storing them in my body, heart, and energy field whether they were mine or not; for years at a time; until I could no longer do that. I had no choice but to learn how to manage and live as the natural Empath that I am. I will be writing about that journey later down the road in an extended publication.

Are you an Empath?
Often an Empath is confused with empathy and even someone who is empathic. All of these experiences do not mean the same thing, but they can be related. Let’s break them down into simple terms.

One who can relate to how someone is feeling or an experience(s) they have gone through or are going through by showing compassion, concern, and caring.

One who takes in the sensory of feelings and emotional experiences and energy of others, like a deep cycle. This can also be from collective energy. One can be empathic, without being an Empath, there are different feeling and emotional channel sensors in their bodies. Often the description of empathic is defined as the actual Empath. If it were only that simple.

One who takes on feelings and emotions from other people or experiences as their own. They “absorb” or “stack” the energy frequency in their own body and energy field. An Empath not only takes on the energy frequency, they live through the energy experience as if it is happening to them. The Empath does not natural identify and cycle out the energy. This is very much like a sponge taking on water. At some point the sponge is light and as it takes on water and it becomes heavy to point it changes shape, characteristics and density. This is very similar to the life of the Empath. The Empath is not just empathic, they are living as an empathic channel frequency.

Stay tuned for more blogs, retreats, courses and a coaching program on this very important topic. Although helping people understand the Empath way is only part of what I do; I am dedicated to helping other Empaths, live a healthy and peaceful way of life on the Earth. Thank you!

Two Ravens and the Space Between


Have you noticed the detailed messages lately that the animals are sending you personally and collectively? Their guided messages are always clear and detailed, but as of late, you can tell the volume is being turned up with their guidance and frequent appearances. Their guidance is always loving, direct, and healing, and they offer us a lot of time and patience when their guidance is not understood or when we try to connect to them through the head versus the heart. They will connect to you, spirit to spirit and heart to heart. When you connect to the silence of your heart, you will experience the connection of their communication.

Yesterday, as I was heading out for a walk in nature, two ravens sitting on a tree branch caught my attention. One was sitting with its wings and feathers puffed out, looking a bit cold, and the other one was sitting elongated and looking very freeing. Both of the ravens were still, silent and present in the moment. They were sitting about three feet apart. I noticed the space between them felt energetically yolk-ish. Yolk-ish energy always indicates something from the past or a multidimensional level that has been brought with you to earth. The overall collective message was “No matter what is happening physically and energetically, look through and beyond the space between and notice what sacred frequency of wisdom, healing, and knowledge is available to you.”

Exploring the space between—looking through and beyond human density

The question to ask yourself when exploring the space between is, are you willing to move beyond “thinking” and what you have already experienced as the way? The more we explore that still space beyond the human experience, beyond thinking and beyond identity, the more we unlock our own sacred spiritual wisdom and knowledge. This is called the wisdom direction of your own soul’s destiny. Trusting that silent, unlimited open space will reveal the wisdom of your true nature, the essence of “self.” Trusting the unknown of who you are and who you are meant to be here and now. This is a matter of experiencing the formless of feeling and seeing through the stillness and beyond the human identity, the path through ascension.

Exploring the Mystery of Self-Love


Surrendering to who you were yesterday, to love yourself today

Self-love is definitely something we explore throughout our entire journey here on earth. When we experience the illumination of self-love, we continue to navigate with it and experience the deeper expressions of it unfolding. In the exploration of self-love, the most important thing we look for is the discovery of who we are. In the discovery, we are looking for the celebration and fireworks, which will alter our existence of how we show up in the world. The problem or issue arising is, are you overlooking self-love because of what you expect it to be?

When you have the experience of meeting or knowing someone who has discovered and lives as self-love, you can see that their heart and “being” is illuminating with the destiny of natural self-love, in every moment. Perhaps this leaves you with wanting that exact experience. You feel the experience and maybe even visualize what your life would be like to naturally embrace self-love. Then you get into the separate-self and start to think about the how, why and maybe even the where. The Separate-Self brings you to its limited story of you and then the experience feels too hard or out of reach. The story then turns to doubt or lack of suffering of self.

Self-Love Reality Check.

The thinking mind and separate self can only access what has already happened through thinking, an object or a past location. There is no forward experience, feeling or “presence” in this viewpoint. The separate self is lying or misleading down the wrong path to self-love.

Many people run into challenges with self-love because they are exploring and looking for something based on what they have observed, been told, conditioned to believe or something they feel they can never have because of life choices or circumstances. First and foremost, you never have to earn ANY type of love. Self-love is not something we have to find, search for, earn or heal to experience. We have unlimited self-love in this moment within the essence of who we are.  

When we surrender and let go of the old identities, we have given power to from experiences of the past, we then opening space to love ourselves for who we are today. We learn to be gentle with ourselves today, by connecting to the heart, engaging self-forgiveness and experiencing self-compassion. When we look at self-love as a journey instead of cookie cutter steps, we start to fall in love with ourselves as we walk forward on earth.

Self-love is not so much about consciousness, but about having a “conscience” of self-love that is conscious of the presence of loving what is you.

Feel free to post your questions and experiences below. We are all teachers and guides of humanity.

Embracing Love & Grace,
