Connecting to the Heart


Over the past several days, I have been writing about the alignment of “oneness” of the heart, the spirit and the universe, this is the essence of connecting to the holographic grid. This will also shift intuition to holographic intuition. If you let go and listen deeply you can hear/feel that the tone frequencies have shifted to a cosmic directional frequency on how you manifest. This has been in motion for a while. This will change everything.

Where to begin? It is best to start connecting to your heart and let the emotion flow through you. Place your hand on your heart, breathe and let your etheric hand drop down into your heart. The more you practice this, the more you will feel the frequency of your heart, along with the wave intelligence in your heart. Thinking you are feeling your heart, is not feeling your heart. When you feel your heart, you will feel a warmth, compassion and inner universal awareness, along with an expansion in the heart area. It will then grow through your entire body through the heart’s energy field. Keep your practice going.

Once you can feel the true essence of your heart, start to center and explore your destiny through your heart. What are you truly compassionate about and what has meaning for you as a form of direction for humanity? Notice the movement of emotion. Enjoy.
Sacred grace,

A Visitation of Locating and Finding Surrender

Recently, while I was halfway through writing my monthly column on surrendering through the heart, I felt an etheric hand gently touching my back with such compassion and loving radiance, I also felt someone looking over my shoulder from a distance. I was getting quite emotional as I felt this feminine presence arriving energetically closer to me. Now, I started to recognize and feel this motherly, beautiful, loving presence, crystal clear; this was Mary Magdalene. Through channel she assisted with writing the rest of my column through her teaching and guidance on surrender; how to find it and what it really is. Notice what you feel through your heart as you read the channel.

Sacred beloved,
Do you hear and feel the chimes through the deep spiral center in your heartbeat? Take a moment, breathe, connect to your heart and the drumbeats of the heartbeat; go within the rhythmic beats of the heart, beloved. Here you will find the chimes. Follow the chimes inward. Here you will find what you have been looking for, your sacred wisdom portal. This is the sound frequency of cosmic love in which you have come from, before earth.

It is but the fourth night of your experience in this truth seeking frequency of wind through your heart. You seek and desire deep clarity for your mystical and spiritual circumstances on earth, do you not? But are you willing to be still and listen to the sounds of love that vibrates throughout the spiritual essence of who you are through all eternity? Listen through the wind that echoes through your heart. Surrender to be still. What do you feel echoing through your heart? Stay with the echo until you ‘feel’ it speaking to you through the heart, not as a human voice, but as a felt frequency, that you feel through your entire body emulating from your heart, light body, and soul.

Yes, beloved child of creation you are the frequency of love. But you must listen through the spiral of your heart, not from your human wayward experience of what you know humanly, but from what has always been from the moment of your creation, as a soul and a beautiful hue of light within love’s frequency.

When you arrive at surrender as a journey instead of an action, through your heart, you are opening and connecting to the field of compassion. When you feel the aliveness and awareness of your field of compassion, you are moving beyond the feeling of compassion but experiencing it as an intelligence. This intelligence of compassion is a part of creation in every experience that is interconnected through divine divinity.

For you to immerse yourself in surrender through compassion and love, is to understand the experience of love’s creation and your being-ness as a frequency of love. In this endless frequency is where you will discover your deep clarity for earth and the reason you have come be, beloved.

You are deeply loved, more than you will ever know. (excerpt) 

Boundless God – Loving What Is…


Does the word God make you cringe or bring up pain from the past for you?

Over many years of guiding and helping thousands of people through their healing journey, the deepest pain people hold within themselves is their misunderstanding of God. This leads them to also misunderstand their inner self. I noticed this the most in 2017, because people were losing their faith with regards to everyday spiritual consciousness. Last year, I taught several courses on God Consciousness –  Sophia and the God Self. The childhood stories I heard from people through those courses were shocking, but in some ways not shocking, more seemingly expected. This would make me feel sad and my eyes would fill with tears, as I would hear about the pain they had emotionally embodied from their experiences. It was, however, illuminating to see people healing their relationship with the consciousness and the frequency of God which then allows them to have a deeper and open relationship with their inner self on their terms through those courses.

People around the world have different views and experiences with God.

What I have discovered is that the majority of people who have a relationship with the humanly, commercial created God, whether that be a good one or a painful one, is based on what they have been taught or been told. What that God is conditionally versus their own experience with the Universal God frequency through their own inner spirit.

I have always been grateful this time around on Earth, that I did not grow up in a family household with religion, spirituality, or metaphysical awareness ( I guess it’s called New Age now, I can’t keep up with the trends); it was never talked about or discuss in my family’s home. I was a soul that was born with a spiritual consciousness of knowing from birth. I always felt the presence of God and Spirit through my own inner spirit as a part of who I am. I kept this deeply hidden, but I had an ever expanding and evolving relationship with God and the realms of Spirit. This was not always easy and I felt different from the other kids and adults around me because of my spiritual sensitivity. I had a consistent, loving, beautiful dialogue from the realms of Spirit happening pretty much all the time within me throughout my childhood.

My relationship with God became much deeper as a young child while I was planting and working in my childhood garden. Over time, I began to experience a dialogue with the frequency intelligence of God through the center of my inner spirit. This allowed me to have a deeper connection with myself even at a young age as this unfolded. This helped me to know, even though I was different, that I would be OK.

To me, God had always been a natural inner ‘IS-NESS’ – an inner mixture of who we are as part of the frequency of infinite love in its true universal presence. This has been my experience of God from the beginning.

When I was 11 or 12 years old I decided to experience “the church”.  In church, as they started to talk about God, I felt this controlled, dense, and fear based, a mental container like energy about an outside ‘he’/ God. I felt sick and felt a dark manipulating underlying agenda. I realized in that very moment, the church, the fear, and the humanly created controlled religion God was not for me. This was not the same God, I had always loved and known through my inner spirit. I returned to my garden and the natural loving dialogue with God that continues even to this day. Although my childhood garden has long grown over and I moved many miles away from my childhood home, I still return to my garden through my inner spirit to have conversations with God, the ‘IS-NESS’, as the inner illumination mixture of the center of my soul.

There is no one way to experience God and my experience does not have to be your experience. But what I do know is, God is an infinite consciousness and a formless loving frequency intelligence that lives within all of us as an inner presence, as a part of who we are, the mixture. God is not on the outside of us controlling, fear basing and calling the directions. It is you who is responsible for the plan of your soul’s destiny based on its creation for your mission of the collective.

To truly live with the presence of God through our inner spirit, we must first experience and understand the infinite as an embodiment and a life force of love through all experiences; as they are interconnected as our ‘formless’ presence of awareness. This is a matter of connecting your heart, spirit and the presence of God as one to arrive at your inner spirit self. We are then experiencing the presence of God as a boundless love of oneness of who we are. Notice the ONE looking through into oneness.

Love & infinite grace,