Angel Signs Anytime of the Day – What Time is It?


ProtectiveAngelIt’s important every day to notice the signs of confirmation and guidance the Angels are sending to you. Too often we write the signs off as nothing. The Angels want to help you in every way possible, to let you know they are around you or what those next steps are on your pathway. There are many different types of signs the Angels send us.  We tend to hear more about coins, feathers, numbers etc. Although these signs are important, there are many signs of direction beyond these common signs. I want to share a couple of different types of signs with you that happened to me a couple days a part last week.

Hello…Good “Early” Morning

It was one of those early mornings, when I simply could not sleep.  I was awake at 3:46 a.m.  Now, this is not the average waking up and fall back a sleep. This was the experience of wide awake, it’s time to get your day started. Although in this week there were a lot of planetary energies shifting, I felt this was something else. As I lay in bed and started to wake-up, there was a circling tingle energy inside and outside of my feet. More so on the bottoms of my feet. I knew exactly what this was. It’s what I refer to as the Angelic alarm clock. Yes, the Angels, who do not need to sleep I might add. But I could tell this was not a group of Angels. This was one Archangel as if to say, “It’s time to get up, we have work to do!”

I get up, get dressed and go out to my computer in my work area. As I take a deep breath, with my feet still tingling, the energy is making its way to the top of my head, I find the space of stillness with my breath. As I go deeper inside of the energy, (I already know who it is at 4:00 am Pacific Standard Time), it starts to infuse with the color fuchsia with hues of light gold.  Yes, it’s Archangel Jophiel, with her fuchsia and light gold aura. As the energy makes its way to the top of my head, I see her standing before me. She says with her peace glowing energy and soft angelic voice, “Beauty has no time, it is but always.” As I looked down on my computer screen, my work from the previous night of a writing project I have been working on was still up. The beginning of the paragraph talked about beauty source light within awakening to consciousness. Archangel Jophiel was here to help me complete this section, via channel. I channeled with Archangel Jophiel through-out the morning. Once the section was complete I thanked her, and she was gone for the time being. About twenty minutes later, there was a flower delivery at the door. There stood a delivery man with an Easter cactus with fuchsia flowers on it. It made me smile, laugh and experience the love and beauty of Archangel Jophiel. Very much a sign of Archangel Jophiel with fuchsia flowers on the Easter cactus. The Easter cactus was from family.

Cleanse and Awaken the New

The pattern in my life is when one things changes, everything changes at once. Over the past few months I have been in the state of clearing and making room for new beginnings, both personally and professionally. On this particular day, I’m planning to start recording videos for my Angel Healing V-Blog on YouTube, as I have been away from it for awhile. I decide to go to the gym before hand on this morning.  I grab my gym gear, including my keys off the shelf, which are right next to the Kodak blog camera (the size of a cell phone) I use for my V-Blog. I reach for my keys off the shelf, and they hit the camera which flies off the shelf. Now the camera could not just fall to the floor or on the table underneath the shelf, it had to fall into the glass water on the table directly underneath it and tip over onto the carpet. All I could do is laugh, because this is something normally you only see on TV or in the movies. The camera, of course, is dead. I go off to the gym.  When I return, I pull out my back up camera and power cord. While it is charging, I set up my tri-pod. As I’m turning the crank for the final adjustment, the crank breaks off. Again, I find myself in laughter. I sit down to connect both incidences together, and there is no doubt, this is a direct message and sign from my Angelic friends and teachers. To be clear, I said aloud, “Angels, I understand this is a direct guidance sign.”

Let me dissect this situation. Water almost always means for me, to cleanse and purify a situation or an area of my personal or professional life. When something breaks, it’s a sign of breaking through the glass ceiling to embrace the new direction or object. Since I only used this camera for my V-Blog, this would mean my V-Blog direction needs to change to the parallel vibrational frequency of the rest of my work, Angelic Shamanic Healing and the Sacred Earth Realms. Change is a co-partner in shifting frequency.

As you can see, the Angels send us signs in many different way and yes sometimes they come in many pieces.  The sign also can run forwards or backwards all in one day or over the course of many days or months.  We are all receiving signs everyday. Take time to slow down to notice your signs from the Angels

Angel Light Blessings,


Awakening, Re-Birthing and New Beginnings, All in One


Hello Everyone!

Wow, the last couple of weeks have been a journey to say the least.  It has been a roller-coaster of energy shifting and emotional ups and downs.  I love when this happens because it means we are elevating the consciousness on the planet earth. But the journey there is not always a peaceful one, as this journey involves change, letting go and being in the state of vulnerability with the shifting and changing. Human-beings like to be comfortable and not interrupted. However healing and shifting are neither of those needs. I have learned over the years when this type of shift rolls in, to move with it like a wave. It makes it less difficult on the experience and easier to receive the lessons being revealed to you front and forward in your experience.

The week of March 16th, there was a lot of planetary shifting and a noticeable change in the expansion of the frequency on the planet. Did you feel it in your body and life? The week started out with the completion of the Uranus – Pluto square, and ending with the New Moon and the Total Solar Eclipse. This shift made it easier to let go and made manifesting much easier, from the creation side. In the week we had a larger than life letting go of struggling alignments of the past, then a new beginning arrived with a full alignment of shifting solar energy. With all this being said, there is a new level of peace in the core energy alignment, which is more noticeable and illuminating than before. All of this will take some time to acclimate and for the body to catch up, right around the middle of April to the first part of May.

In this past two weeks there were two types of awakenings happening for most people (even for the people who are unaware anything is happening). The first type of awakening is the situational awakening.  This type of awakening, is a situation(s) you have either been trying to let go of and did or a situation that is now clear you need to let go of in the immediate future. If you have let go of your situation(s), you probably have noticed a lot of emotion arriving out of the blue. This is a grieving process because a part of your situational alignment space is dying (not physically but energetically).  Additionally, when you let go of a situation, you create space and its filled with Divine support healing light. This type of awakening still has some lessons and agreements attached to it. However the good news is, most of the work is complete. This awakening is very powerful right now, following the voice of your soul.

The second awakening is called an expansive conscious awakening or what I like to call an initiation. The first part of this awakening, follows suit of the situational awakening. The difference is, all lessons and agreements are completed, associated with this situation(s). Along with the death of the old being completed. The space is filled with larger expansive amounts of Divine frequency light.  This allows your energy field to hold more light and therefore elevates you into an expansive consciousness.  At the same time your energy will be quivering, emotions arrive out of the blue as crying one minute and laughing the next. You have arriving into a conscious awakening. Yes, in time your body will acclimate to the new frequency.

As you can see there is a lot of awakening arriving.  When you stay true to what your soul is calling to you, your actions and changes begin to heal the planet. You are a powerful part of the experience of healing the planet.  Tell me about your experience and feel free to ask questions.

Magical Angel Blessings to YOU,


Yes I see you, do you have a message for me?


downloadOne of the many realms I enjoy working with and learning from are the power spirit animals. In the Shamanic  practice everything has life and wisdom. Power Spirit Animals are an important part of the Shamanic journey of healing. We have many power spirit animals around us all the time. They are helping to guide you along your earthly journey.  They serve as guide teachers, healers, mentors, warriors of light and the list goes on.  Whether they are pets that come into your life, animals you encounter physically or energetically daily, they are a huge part of your spiritual pathway.  There are four types of powers spirit animals we meet along our journey: Totem, Journey, Message and Shadow Power Animals.  This realm also includes  plants, crystals, flowers, etc.

Totem Animal

This type of animal relates to your spirit, personality traits, and actions of life lessons as you move through your earthly journey.  These animals can be noticed in your image and energy field, so much so that the human can look like the animal or the animal kingdom.

Journey Animal

These animals come through to you in meditation or a shamanic journey with guidance, teachings and healing for the situation front forward for you at the time of the journey. They are most always the first animal to meet you in the meditation or the shamanic journey. Once you leave this state of awareness, they return to the spirit world.

Message Animal

These are animals who arrive on your pathway, to give you a specific message(s). They will continue to show up until you receive and  acclimate the alignment of the message into your journey.  Notice what you are thinking and feeling when this animal continues to appear; the message meaning is inside of  the energy.  You can also ask them to reveal the message.

Shadow Animal

The Shadow Animals appear to help you awaken parts of yourself that have been dormant and now have a great importance for your pathway.  Not always an animal you consider to be comfortable and cuddly.  Usually an animal you are a little stand offish about.

It’s important to remember if an animal shows up on your pathway, it might be just an animal being an animal in nature, without any message or meaning for you. Enjoy their company. Now if they appear and look directly at you or attempt to get your attention by showing the message they have for you, then they have appeared for you.

A perfect example of this happened to me a few days ago while I was in the kitchen making an afternoon snack.  When you look out the balcony off of the kitchen, you can see the top of a cherry tree in view.  The cherry tree is just starting to blossom.  There was a gust of wind that came through the balcony carrying the scent of the cherry blossoms to me (you can guess who was carrying that scent to me.)  As I received the scent I turned to look out the opened balcony doors at the cherry tree.  At the very top of the  tree, on the right side was a squirrel with its back to me.  The squirrel started to do its hop in a circle as squirrels sometimes do.  As it hopped half the circle, it stopped, and made direct eye contact with me.  Then the message came forward: you need to have fun and get out into nature now. Then the squirrel continued to hop the rest of the circle and made its way down the tree. I was grateful for the message and it fit perfectly into the energy of where I was in the moment.  I had been working on admin duties for my business for the greater part of the day. Shortly after the encounter and message from squirrel, I headed out on my bike for the ocean.

Take notice of what messages, guidance and signs your Power Animals are sending you. They are powerful co-creators in your life.

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