Tuesday’s Energy Forecast Insight & Archangel Metatron

pathway2Tuesday’s Energy Forecast Insight: Clarity and space are the focus of today. The energy today pulls you in the direction you have been avoiding out of fear or not having all the connecting pieces of the puzzle. Recall and notice the pattern layers in dreams, visions, impressions or direct impath doorways, that have been revealed in the past several weeks, with a lot of clarity with a guidance and soul direction being offered to you. A few days ago, I talked about the space in the energy, this is one of those days. Your visions, feelings, impath-connectors and impressions will be very strong today. Don’t miss the opportunity of all pieces of the puzzle infusing together and the door opening for you to take action. Archangel Metatron is providing the pathway and the footing of the unknown for you. If you look down at the pathway, it is built with sacred geometry, numerology and sacred star gateway coding. Remember not to only view it, but to feel the experience and clarity coming through the pathway. Today is also about walking through the heart with a direct pathway into the sacred space and feeling the heart expand. Trust your insights, for it is you “becoming” the state of awakening.
Enjoy the Love and Magical Unfolding of this day,

Sacred Walk with the Archangels with Eddie Mullins
Replay PODCAST from Monday LISTEN

Archangel Jeremiel & Power Animal Eagle working with recalling where you have walked from to this moment, working with “Dream-State Energy” to help you create and manifest along your journey, two healing journeys, healing with the callers, and much more…

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