When I speak or write about God it comes from a place of infinite love, which arrives from the formless void in the center of my soul. I have been having channeled dialogues with God since I was a small child. No, I’m not Christian, religious, or even an advocator of the Bible, nor have I ever been. I don’t judge other people who are, that is not my mission on earth and I love them just the same. Love is just who I am and having channeled dialogues with God, and all of spirit for that matter, is also who I have always been. It’s a natural part of the soul.
The formless consciousness of God from my experience is a presence of infinite love, awareness, a life force, a collective source of intelligence, and a parallel frequency of our own soul. Simply only believing in God is a limited process and not knowing the formless consciousness of God or even knowing one’s self. Only experiencing the mental connection of God, omits the full rooted awareness of the presence and formless being-ness of God. Just like all experiences, there are many ways. You will choose from where you are in your journey experience or in some cases what you have been told about God. If the word “God” has been damaging or hurtful to you, omit the word and use the expression of “source” or whatever you are comfortable with. Like most of my writings, notice what you feel in your body and where you maybe harvesting energy that needs to be explored.
Being born spiritually sensitive, an Empath and Star Child, my inward world was beautiful, loving and comforting, but sharing and living my inward world with others in the physical world was a much different experience. So would begin my childhood journey of living two lives, spiritually inward and humanly outward. Maybe this is why my rock from the beginning was my connection and relationship with the spirit world. I learned quickly, the spirit world is very misunderstood in the physical world and even in my own birth family. However, that detailed bond I had and have with the spirit world, would prove to be more powerful in my life, than I could have ever imagined. So we begin. . .
I have to say, the one constant experience in my life has been the presence of God. These days when you say the word God, people either cringe because of old destructive experiences or they honor the space of God, both of which I can understand. However, my experience with God was somewhat different than what most people describe as the journey to God. My connection is through the infinite consciousness of God versus the mental, humanly created god, which many proclaim as a vengeful and evil god or even the “real” god. I have never understood how vengeful judgments and evil could have anything to do with infinite love as a source of creation.
I have always felt and known the presence of God; I don’t know what it was like to not feel the presence and awareness of God. I could feel, hear and in some important moments see the frequency of God during times of our channeled dialogues. I could feel the peaceful presence like no other experience deep within the center of my soul. Then the frequency looked and felt like a formula, which had a moving intelligence. Of course, as a child it was natural, because it was always a noticeable part of me and I thought the design of the formula was beautiful and pretty cool.
I chose to write this blog about my experience with God, not to change anyone’s beliefs, again that’s not my mission for being on earth or anyone else’s for that matter; but to share some of my personal experiences with God, in hopes it will help others to heal through their pain and explore their own infinite source of love. Additionally, to find some type of compassion for their own experiences in a world of disarray and confusion.
It is always best to start at the beginning and weave your way in and out, at least for this blog. I was one of those souls that was born knowing and awake in consciousness in my own creation, spiritual, and arriving way on earth. I was born two weeks early. I arrived into this world knowing who God, the Angels, Jesus, the Ascended Masters and other beings of spirit. I did not grow up in a religious, spiritual or metaphysical family home. God was rarely talked about in my family home. If God was talked about, it was usually me asking and testing my parents, because I was sure everyone was born knowing God and the spirit world in the way that I did. I learned very quickly in my family and rural small town environment this was not the case.
As a child, I always found it interesting when hearing the views of God from adults, friends, and cousins who were very connected to an organized religion. They would talk about God, how “he” would punish you if you did anything wrong. I found it a bit odd and even more odd when they would say, “he”. I don’t view God as either a male or female nor, do I see God as an individualized type of entity. I see God as a loving intelligence of an infinite source, a consciousness that is of pure authentic love and emulates our own God-self. When I would hear conversations about “he” god, I would get an energetic headache and sick feeling in my body. I was always a bit puzzled by that unusual experience. I know now, this was a physical sign of the mental human – thinking mind creation versus an infinite creation experience. I would feel they didn’t know God at all and would quickly draw conclusions; there are many humanistic controlled experience beliefs about God that have been handed down for centuries and centuries.
I couldn’t explain every experience but God to me, then and now, is a real living life force of a powerful, loving, energy frequency which has always been with me, teaching, guiding, loving, encouraging and being my friend. When I would do something wrong or I was angry, God would walk me through the lesson through love and energetic levels of the experience. Not teaching right or wrong, but guiding me through whether the frequency choice was fitting for the experience.
What I have experienced through the formless frequency and intelligence of the consciousness of God, is that the “is-NESS” comes from a place of pure infinite love and helps us activate and embody our own core inner spirit or what is called the God-self from the center of the soul. When we activate and embody the formless wisdom void in the center of the soul, we become what we have forgotten on Earth – the becoming of infinite love as sacred unity. We are not separate or less than God, we are sacred infinite love. One in the same of the collective divine oneness.