How often do you forget self care in your life? It is important as we move through changes in our lives and experience the elevation of energy on the planet, we remember self care. Whether it’s taking ten minutes or an entire day. Why self care? The more we remember self-care and nurturing ourselves, the more we are connected to balance, harmony and peace as a permanent placement of remembering who we are as a loving resource. Not to mention our health and well-being. This allows us to become infused in the flowing harmony of the majestic ocean of love in your creation. Opening and walking through the door of all enlightened creations on your earthly journey right now.
What does self care look like? It’s important to remember if journaling, meditating, taking a walk in nature, a trip to the ocean, or yoga is not your idea of self care, then those activities are not best for you. Self care should not be something you don’t enjoy doing. Self care is your body and energy telling you, something needs to shift. Self care is about taking time for yourself and doing what you want. Sometimes for me, it’s watching TV, visiting my favorite bakery or specialty stores, biking, working out, etc. Incorporating self care into your life three to four times a week, will change your health and well-being. What is your favorite way to embrace self care? Enjoy your self care today.
Soul Harmony,