The Wisdom of Archangel Barbiel & Archangel Raziel


Love Consciousness Awakening with the Light Twin

Channel from Archangel Barbiel

gold-energy-ballAwaken to the conscious light, beloved one.  There are streams of light threading down to you in your incarnating experience, these are the keys of light.  The keys of the light are pieces of the fractal mix that make up the light body.   The energy of the heart is opening to a greater consciousness with these streams of light. You are in great awareness within your journey of the heart. Although you are feeling the mist of the times of your journey, you are opening new gateways of looking at the cellular pathway within your heart, and the light that encompasses it, this is creating harmony and peace. You are healing from a deep cellular and soul alignment level, this will bring a new center of clarity into your earthly life. As you slow down you connect to energetic emotions and feelings, when you want to speed up you go to the head (the mind). The mind provides no healing, only illusion that you think you have healed, but no change has been made in that choice. Cellular shifting and healing are energetic. You are connecting to love consciousness and your multi-dimensional self, by releasing old energetic alignments that no longer fit into your time. We are here to help and guide, no need to prove you can do it alone; as always the choice is yours. Breathe within the cellular heart!

The Alignment of Archangel Barbiel

Aura Energy: Green and Gold

Specialties: Peaceful Change, Transformation, Harmony and Protection

Archangel Barbiel is the keeper/guardian of the ninth order of Angels known as the Powers.  The Powers are the celestial enforcement or protecting realm.  Archangel Barbiel is warrior of God’s love and always carries a flaming sword of light.

A Dimension Shift in Consciousness Change  

Channel from Archangel Raziel

RazielThe ancient self is awakening and returning to you. Your time is shifting to a new energy and frequency. Breathe, Allow and Honor the SHIFT. You are in the waves and layers of the vibrational shifting. You may feel as if you are floating in another world (dimension), this is normal, you are activating to a new level. You are awakening to the new source of energy light, available to each being of creation.  When you are activating, this will naturally slow down your actions and functions in the human world. Take time to acclimate the energy and dimension shift as it comes forward, by resting and spending time deep within the physical and cellular heart.  Simply by slowing down and drawing your attention to the heart space, you will step deep into the center core of the four chambers of the heart.  This is where you connect to pure source light and Divine truth about who you really are, from the start of your creation.  Your soul is guiding you to expand at the level of dimension that is available for you. Your dimension level will differ from others; you need not be concerned with the level others are expanding within. You have the experience of knowing all of dimension, from other physical and non-physical experiences you have had in other planets and galaxies.  Your energy system known as source disks or chakras will also feel different once you acclimate to a new dimension level.  I am helping you understanding and connect to your new pathway of frequency. Notice memories and feelings that come forward as you see and connect to symbols and esoteric information. Trust in your feelings and visions; they are Divine guidance with direction and steps. You are on the pathway of changing and shifting, now more than ever in your time. Follow my guidance, Divine One. You are on a new pathway of enlightenment, embrace the true source of love.

The Alignment of Archangel Raziel

Aura Energy: Hues of Gold Infused with Rainbow

Specialties: Divine Wisdom, Sacred Symbol, Past Lives Journey, Soul Recall

You can tell when Archangel Raziel is in your presence there is a train of ancient wisdom and symbols full of energetic wisdom that flows to you from the higher realms outside of your scope of thought. He also helps you access your ancient creativity with ease and compassion. He is the Archangel that I have notice more in physical form than any other. He is the mystery and wisdom keeper Archangel. For several years he was on my case about shifting from calling myself an Angel Intuitive to Angel Oracle. He is amazingly wise with a larger than life sense of humor.

Upcoming Online Event:

The Awakening of Love Consciousness! Healing & Teachings with the Archangels – Vol. ll

Live a Life of Freedom, Love & Peace

bigstock-Lotus-light-16045187_009Tele-Course/Webinar 4 Part Course (1 Hours Sessions)
August 6,13, 20, 27 Wednesday  7p est/ 4p pst
Course fee: 69.99 + Downloads of the Course  (Limited Space)

The healing power of the Sacred. You not only have groups of Angels and familiar Archangels all around you, communicating & watching over you and waiting to help you in your life, right now, but also a group of Ancient Archangels.   In this 4 part course you will learn how …View More


A Change in Direction: After the Mars Retrograde By Eddie Mullins


mars_retrograde20091Thank God it’s over! Yes the Mars Retrograde after three months has finally come to a close as of May 19th. It returns again in 2016.  As much as this particular retrograde challenged me in every way possible, it made me become very aware, this time around of what needs to leave (some has already departed) and what needs to arrive.  Time to let go of old debris from this life time and some that has been around for centuries.  This time allowed me to look deep inside of my heart and soul and discover more of myself, along with more detailed extensions of my soul’s purpose. Even though these were areas I had been avoiding, I am much better off for taking this journey the past three months. I’m sure you can relate to this voyage through your own experiences with the passing of the Mars Retrograde. In the long run, all retrogrades are steps in healing and shifting energy.

The Mars Retrograde allowed us to take a journey into the empowerment of the true self and look at all the links that kept us from being our true authentic selves.  This allowing came with surrendering to what the energy of the retrograde showed you.  In this case surrendering and releasing would have felt uncomfortable because the journey was aligned to vulnerability and resistance. This level is what would have brought in the fogginess you may have felt. Fogginess is the partnership, of being uncomfortable; being lost within the life pathway, when the new is trying to come in as an energy shift.  This Mars Retrograde was about breaking the glass ceiling we are afraid to break through, because of what is on the other side. This is called the reality of the Unknown pathway of the true self.

The links beyond the glass ceiling reveal themselves in a couple different ways.  One way, is what the angels call the imposter links; the links that disguise themselves as support, when in reality they are weighing you down along this level of your journey, in many ways draining your energy and focus. These imposters show up as friends, acquaintances, family members, situations and the list goes on.   They take up emotional space on the level of guilt and shame. Most often, this is the reflection of the impostor’s and not you.  When you go deep enough, you see the truth seed of this plant in your life and within your spiritual pathway. This would allow you to see the reality of true colors. Now, the second level of this process is looking at behavioral patterns that the retrograde phase has brought to the surface, which you have been trying to run from or hide. When you run off your pathway in most cases, it’s because you are not living in your true frequency and/or trying to down playing your energy to fit into whatever capacity you happen to encounter along your chosen, distraction from reality pathway. This is a form of rerouting your pathway, when you become uncomfortable. These patterns keep you from fully being in your own energy space, therefore your focus has been off your authentic pathway. You’ve felt these patterns rising to the surface in the past three months as a source of healing and letting go; the timing of reality and moving back onto your authentic pathway.  This awakening of discovery you can do anytime, not just during the Mars Retrograde, however during this retrograde it automatically guides you there, as uncomfortable as it may be. This process then allows you to be fully in the authentic energy of your true self.

Now that the retrograde has come to a close, what’s next? You will feel and see deep clarity on all levels of your life.  The fog you might have felt has lifted and you gained a sense of awareness of life direction, along with a clearer visionary perspective of who you are in all areas of your life journey.  The power to manifest has risen in vibration to a more multi-dimensional level of creation in a faster time, space and reality.   It’s about letting go of the old and re-birthing the new love consciousness of your true self. The time is now to take action and live your reality, one step at a time on the fast track of enlightenment.  You are ready!


The Frequency Light Source Pathway ~ Channel From Archangel Jophiel


Haniel2Beauty is the frequency and the source of who you are, allow the gateway of it’s source light to lead you into a higher vibration of your creative world. Letting go is the work of raising your vibration and making changes that balance with the planet Earth’s alignment. It is the time of creation, it is the time of death. The creation of the new and death of the old.  You are standing on the threshold of the light source transformation frequency within your life pathway.  Once you choose the pathway, your earthly journey will forever change.  Many of you are creating more room for light to fill your energy allocation system, which then flows into your energy field, once the space is available to hold the light. Choosing to make more space for light, is just that, choosing to create the space; because in your time, space and reality it has already arrived. You life will shift to a higher vibration, through the layers of your life lessons.  I am Jophiel, the Archangel of Beauty and Frequency Light Source, when you are ready, we will walk over the threshold of your harmonious vibrational transformational pathway.  I am lovingly  here to support you, for always, Divine One. We see you for the truth of your heart, authentic pure beings of love. (The full channel coming soon in Star Nations Magazine)