Spiritual Breathing Through Your Own Heart

“The spiritual true nature always response through the natural essence of love”

Are you remembering to slow down and be gentle with yourself?  It is easy in this time to get caught up in everything that is shifting around you, both personally and globally by jumping on the judgment and fear train. This only separates you from your own heart wisdom and your unfolding direction realities. It is a time of observing the invisible through stillness and presence. Some of our shifts are clear and large parts of them do not make sense. The areas that do not make sense, always hold the deepest energy of wisdom and clarity. These areas are not always visible and you will have to explore many of them by way of feeling. Although challenging, these areas are waiting to be discovered and revealed by you exploring them, with vulnerability through the true essence of your own heart, without the comfort of conditions and fears. When we explore through challenges, we discover the hidden undeveloped or dormant pieces of ourselves, which helps us link to the unanswered questions or missing flight plan, as we find ourselves at a fork in the road in our journey. When you explore through the heart, you begin to live a new reality of freedom and compassion, with living naturally through the origin of love of your own truth.

Spend time getting to know your heart

This is the perfect time to start an organic spiritual intimate relationship practice with your heart. Follow the stillness, grace and presence path through the center of your heart. Simply open the door of trusting and following your own truth and harmony of what is balanced in your new reality through love in the center of your heart. The more individual, organic and intimate relationship we have with the essence of the spiritual heart, the more we reveal our true nature through healing, discovery, love and sacred wisdom that relates to our mission for humanity on earth.

The practice of the spiritual heart

Place your hand on your heart, slow your breathing and feel your heartbeat through your hand. Bring your breathing to the rhythm of your heartbeat and feel the presence of your spiritual heart arriving throughout your body. Feel the soothing waves of love cleansing every part of your body. Allow the experience to show you the way versus you trying to take control. At the point of taking control, you have left the heart and returned to the “cellar enclosure” of the thinking mind. Return to the heart and the waves of love by focusing your breathing through the spiritual heart. Place your energetic surrendering-self in the center of the waves of love and move through the ebb and flow. This is where you start to connect to the wisdom of your new reality from the wisdom of the heart and the experience of stillness, grace, and presence. Breathe and stay with the experience until it is complete. When you are complete take a moment longer to stay in silence, then give gratitude to the spiritual heart and notice the essence of love, you feel expanding through your body. You are complete.

We are here on earth to remember, explore, initiate and activate love through our hearts, nature, and humanity. We are in a phase of awakening love from its true essence of creation. Which needs to be explored through our own heart’s wisdom versus what we have been told about love in pieces of control, fear, conditions, and manipulation. You never have to earn love. You are the returning and reality of love.

Wild Soul Love,


The Natural Path Through love

“Healing is not meant to remove the pain. It is meant to provide the navigational experience, loving clarity, spiritual truth, support and guidance to walk through the grand hallway of the pain story; to move beyond the pain and into the reality of your inner destiny.”

Eddie Mullins

Two Ravens and the Space Between


Have you noticed the detailed messages lately that the animals are sending you personally and collectively? Their guided messages are always clear and detailed, but as of late, you can tell the volume is being turned up with their guidance and frequent appearances. Their guidance is always loving, direct, and healing, and they offer us a lot of time and patience when their guidance is not understood or when we try to connect to them through the head versus the heart. They will connect to you, spirit to spirit and heart to heart. When you connect to the silence of your heart, you will experience the connection of their communication.

Yesterday, as I was heading out for a walk in nature, two ravens sitting on a tree branch caught my attention. One was sitting with its wings and feathers puffed out, looking a bit cold, and the other one was sitting elongated and looking very freeing. Both of the ravens were still, silent and present in the moment. They were sitting about three feet apart. I noticed the space between them felt energetically yolk-ish. Yolk-ish energy always indicates something from the past or a multidimensional level that has been brought with you to earth. The overall collective message was “No matter what is happening physically and energetically, look through and beyond the space between and notice what sacred frequency of wisdom, healing, and knowledge is available to you.”

Exploring the space between—looking through and beyond human density

The question to ask yourself when exploring the space between is, are you willing to move beyond “thinking” and what you have already experienced as the way? The more we explore that still space beyond the human experience, beyond thinking and beyond identity, the more we unlock our own sacred spiritual wisdom and knowledge. This is called the wisdom direction of your own soul’s destiny. Trusting that silent, unlimited open space will reveal the wisdom of your true nature, the essence of “self.” Trusting the unknown of who you are and who you are meant to be here and now. This is a matter of experiencing the formless of feeling and seeing through the stillness and beyond the human identity, the path through ascension.

Finding Acceptance Through the Heart


Much of the spiritual path is about mastering the medicine way through the heart with acceptance – while experiencing the flow of embracing everything. This is not an ‘oh well’ process, although this would be the thinking mind’s way of processing acceptance. Acceptance by the medicine way is about arrival through the loving and challenging experiences of our lives, to accept everything with humility. This is about infusing and birthing deeper wisdom through the spiritual path of the heart. This makes us more spiritually aware of acceptance through the foundation of the heart with everything. This is the difference between thinking you are in acceptance versus being the full presence acceptance through the heart. When you are in the full presence of being acceptance through the heart, you will feel the deep expansive frequency and the guiding presence of grace.

The medicine way of acceptance through the heart is by experiencing the self-streamlines that are connected to you. Self-streamlines are infusions based on both your earthly experiences and the connection of your soul’s wisdom. This is the practice and flow of discovering your way of acceptance by embracing everything through your destiny. Connecting to the infusing and birthing of acceptance as a frequency wisdom will assist you in observing how acceptance lives through the ebb and flow of who you are spiritually today. This will help you grow into the practice of seeing how your spiritual truth of acceptance lives within you as an alignment.

When we find acceptance through the heart, we let go of defining every experience we encounter. We will surrender the relationship identity with what we allowed to define us spiritually in the past and future. The mastery of this experience is the starting process of presence with acceptance. What we experience through the heart is the parting ways of wisdom wave frequencies, which can be felt as an access point of opening the intelligence and wisdom of the heart multi-dimensionally. This would be like opening a door to a dark room and feeling your way to the other side of the room where the lamp is located. As you travel through the room, you are allowing the room to express its imprints of energy to you. Then when you turn on the light you know what to expect regarding the layout and energy flow of the room.

When you are working with the heart and tap into deep wisdom frequencies, allow it to show you the way through the experience. This is when you feel grace rush in to assist your journey through the heart. Then, we shift into accepting; we may not know what we think we know. In that moment, we are open and willing to receive. Too often we want to take control and lead the way. Control is often performed out of habit or fear of the unknown and leaves us estranged from the inner self and the heart.

Through acceptance, when we are open through the heart to embrace everything, we are in the beingness of love consciousness through our true nature of the soul. In this alignment everything is created through love consciousness and this changes everything to flowing like the  river through the stillness of the soul. Be and do as you are from the sacredness of the heart.

Wild Soul Love,
