Cleaning Your Soul Windows

windows490Sometimes deep conscious wisdom unfolds at the strangest times, or maybe not so strange, and at the right time. This column arrived while I was cleaning windows. Spirit always speaks on time.  I did what any spiritual channeling writer would do. I turned on the recorder on my cell phone and allowed it to unfold. Yes, while I continued cleaning windows.

Have you ever noticed it’s easier to see out of a clean window versus a dirty one? Yet many people continue to look at the unfolding of their life through a dirty window. Often, we clean the window, and we turn around to find with the intentional patterns we have created (added), the dirt back on the window. Are you looking through a dirty window or an intention of a crystal clean window?

When we are not willing to search deep for our feelings from the field of truth and infinite love; we live in delusion in the thinking mind on the surface. When we begin to explore the mystery of our treasured feelings from a place of truth and deep, infinite love, we begin to live and arrive through our soul’s wisdom; the way light makes its way through the dark forest. We are awakening in the heart of humanity!

This is the perfect time to observe and explore what is unfolding for you from the depth of your deep soul center. The void center. The theme for many people is taking old programming and turning it upside down to show you it’s time to surrender and let go of the old conditional programming and embrace the becoming of the multidimensional paradigm. 

This old programming you collected in your life from family structures, early adult experiences, and even ancestral traditional creations. This would be the dirt on the window. This programming will affect the vision of your alignment.

 One way the releasing of this programming is being shown to you is through dreams and signs that show themselves frontwards and backwards. One dream I had a couple months ago, where I was my current age, I was in an elevator of a building I lived in when I was twenty-one years old and it was turning upside down. This was about old program belief patterns being cleared from when I was twenty-one years old.  Pay attention to your dreams. There is a lot being revealed through dreams always, but in this particular time they are amped up. I strongly suggest keeping a dream journal.

The major focus of clearing is not items like releasing a relationship or job. This process is more about the frequency patterns and the addiction to the pattern of lower aligned realms. This is why the same experience is being created over and over again – it is the programming of the pattern.  

I’m not a big supporter when people say, “Think positive! Think positive!” I’m more interested in what patterns or experiences are making the individual have a negative experience to life from the inside. This would be the creation pattern programming.

Now that the slate has been cleared, now what? It is about grounding and aligning the new energy frequency you have been making room for and expanding the new level of consciousness. Although it has been in the human consciousness for a while, much of the human civilization is now learning and experiencing the multidimensional paradigm. 

The multidimensional paradigm is about aligning your destiny calling versus creating (manifestation) the outside version of the need to push, suffer, struggle and then maybe it will be deserving. The ancient paradigm gives you all the frequency at once as an upgrade and often is like opening a door and walking in. Trust your natural instincts. This is yet another shift-upgrade from the physical to the energetic along with activating your light body of wisdom and knowledge.

It is important for you to walk as your authentic truth. This is the action truth you have been putting off or hiding from. Much of the authentic truth comes from awakening into the soul.  This is the process of walking in the world as you really are versus playing a character or performing your way through life, because all character roles finally come to an end. 

When you end the role, awakening and upgrades occur. When you play a character, you dim your light to fit in, embrace fake spirituality/awakening or hide your authentic truth, these actions are self-sabotaging to your authentic truth. 

Sometimes when your life is not clear and feels like it is bursting wide open, the only thing you can do is sit in the center of it and listen through your heart with the soul intention of being and melting into the becoming of the tears of infinite love and grace. When you surrender the wisdom of your inner spirit fills your heart with the alignment of love. You are deeply loved. 

Now, if I could just train these physical windows to stay clean on their own!

Big breath and the journey continues.

The Light of the Soul,
